Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
4R x T Moved to WordPress
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Presenting at Conferences
- Colorado TELECOOP, April 16-18, Breckenridge (proposals due January 26)
- Colorado Community College Conference on Composition, April 18, Greeley (proposals due January 31)
- Teaching with Technology Idea Exchange 2008, June 5-6, Orem, Utah (proposals due Feburary 1)
Obviously, I'll have to choose between the TELECOOP Conference and the 5Cs. Why did they have to schedule them at the same time?
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Audacity and Trend Analysis
I had planned to use this blog as a research journal for the project, but we ended up creating a wiki.
Another Prensentation on SL in Higher Ed
Muve'in On Over
From: intellagirl, 3 weeks ago
Presentation for the 2007 Serious Games Forum at Purdue University
SlideShare Link

Friday, November 2, 2007
Presentation on Second Life and Education

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
CSI: New York and Second Life
The avatars and sims did look like ones that could exist in Second Life. However, the CSI characters' avatars did things that I've certainly never seen avatars do: find out from a white rabbit (or anyone else) where a particular avatar is currently located, walk off in synch while holding hands, teleport together to a different location, assemble a crowd on the spur of the moment for any kind of activity, pick something up with a hand.
I'm afraid this show is only going to make it harder for educators to convince administrators and students that Second Life is different from violent computer games.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Results of Research on Virtual Worlds
This week, I've found the following blog posts and websites about Second Life:
- Another review of There
- A review of Gaia Online
- Virtual Worlds Review--not updated since Feb. 20, 2006, includes list of virtual worlds by category
- "The Virtual World That Started It All"
- OnRez Viewer: "OnRez Viewer, First Impression," "Electric Sheep's OnRez viewer - first impressions"
On Wednesday night, CBS aired an episode of CSI: NY featuring Second Life. I recorded it but haven't had the time to watch it yet.
I've requested an invitation to try it in beta, but I haven't heard back yet.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Video: Exploring Virtual Worlds, Part 1
Find more videos like this on Sloan-C SL-NET
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Keeping a Research Journal
Since I read Will Richardson's book, Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms, last year, I've been wanting to try having my students use blogs to keep research journals. Unfortunately, I haven't taught a class since then where that would have worked.
So, I'm going to do it myself. I'm going to use this blog as a research journal for our trend analysis.
A few days ago, I ran across a reference by Ray Schroeder to an article on MediaShift a PBS-hosted blog that tracks "how new media—from weblogs to podcasts to citizen journalism—are changing society and culture," by Mark Glaser titled "Your Guide to Virtual Worlds." This article looks like it will be a great resources for our project. Glaser has sections on background and history, Second Life, virtual worlds in the media, a glossary, and resources, including a partial list of virtual worlds.
About the same time, Nik Peachey wrote about, what he likes about it, what isn't so good, and how he can use it.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Presentation on Wikis, Blogs, and Social Networks
I'm still trying to decide whether or not to buy the book. I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who's read it.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Web 2.0 Tutorial
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Help for Educators in Second Life
Saturday, October 13, 2007
My Adventures in Second Life
Friday, October 12, 2007
Co-Author at Tek Trek Blog
The Crystal Cave

Friday, October 5, 2007
Emerging Technology Applications for Online Learning
Thursday, October 4, 2007
50 Ways To Tell a Story
Alan Levine is using a wiki to prepare workshops for his cross-country tour of Australia this month. The first workshop is titled "50 Web 2.0 Ways To Tell a Story." Participants in the workshop will use one of 49 Web 2.0 tools to create a story.
In another workshop titled "Precious Web 2.0 Gems," participants will select a tool from the "Web Gems Starter List" or "Web Gems Other Lists" to try. He's used the tag "webgems" to identify these tools on
His other two workshops are still "on the drawing board," but I intend to check back later to find out more.
Presentation on Using Second Life for Higher Education
An overview of Second Life, how it works for education, and examples of SL uses for a selection of subjects.
SlideShare Link

Sunday, September 30, 2007
Free Course Content
The presenter also mentioned the NROC Network, which "is a community of educators, adminstrators, technologies, and designers working together to develop high-quality, online content and instruction."
Thursday, September 27, 2007
100,000 Ning Social Networks
In a post yesterday, Gina Bianchini explained the differences between a Ning social network and a Facebook group. I joined Facebook a few weeks ago, and I'm not really impressed with it--especially when compared to Ning. In fact, I've only logged in two or three times since I joined.
The first thing I noticed is that when I receive a message in Facebook, the e-mail notification I receive doesn't include the message. I have to log in to actually read it. Also, my profile is the same no matter what group I join. In Ning, the creator of the network can change what profile information is requested for that particular network. Also, in Ning, people can't see what other social networks I belong to. In Facebook, apparently, every time I join a new group, my "friends" are notified--at least I'm informed when they do it.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
SL-NET's First Professional Development Session

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Blog vs. Wiki
It finally occurred to me this week that a wiki might suit my needs better, so I've started one at PBwiki, though I don't have anything in it yet.
I guess it seemed logical to use a blog because I was making regular chronological posts about the classes. However, the students aren't commenting on the posts--at least no one has to date--so I don't really need that feature. Another problem with the blog is that during times when I'm not teaching a particular I can't save the related links in the sidebar except by leaving that element on the page. In the wiki, I can just hide (or not link to) a page I don't need during a semester, but the content is still there. With the wiki, I can also embed a widget from for the folder with the files for the class rather than just linking to the page.
Also posted at 4R x T.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Too Little Too Late for Wikipedia
Citizendium, an encyclopedia project that aims "at credibility and quality, not just quantity," and Scholarpedia, a "free peer reviewed encyclopedia written by scholars from all around the world" are already traveling on the path that Wikipedia seems to want to take.
Also posted at 4R x T.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Innovation Adoption
- innovators (2.5 %)
- early adopters (13.5 %)
- early majority (34 %)
- late majority (34 %)
- laggards (16 %)
Sue has a couple of great graphics in her post.
In a class of 18 students, which is the number I have in my hybrid technical writing class at Red Rocks this fall, that would break down to (rounding, of course, even the .2 student in the innovator category)
- 1 innovator
- 2 early adopters
- 6 early majority
- 6 late majority
- 3 laggards
Blogging and Ning
From his blog, Sue Waters, Mobile Technology in TAFE, found mine and read my most recent post about Ning. From reading Sue's blog, I discovered that she has a Ning social network for people interested in eTools and Tips for Educators. According to the site,
This group has been set up for the Video in e-learning session for e-Tools and Tips September series of How To Session for 2007 E-learning Networks Community Forum.
Initially we'll be discussing video good practices however we plan to keep this site going and expand it to include other cool tools for e-learning for education and training.
On her blog, Sue also refers to a 31 Day Blog Project that she participated in. (A scaled-down version of this could work for a class where students are required to blog.) One participant in the project started a Ning social network for members of the group.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
My Tags
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Technology on Campus
One two-part article featured on the main page caught my attention. It's titled "Teaching with Technology: Facilitating the Process." Part 1 is about "Strategies for Adopting Instructional Technology." The authors, Ric Keaster, Leroy Metza, and Angela Hillegass, start by pointing out that P-12 teachers must learn to use technology in order to incorporate it into their classrooms. "Likewise, instructors in colleges of education cannot teach prospective teachers to use technology unless the faculty, themselves, use technology in the college of education classrooms as a part of their instruction. There is something about 'modeling' that goes a long way in education, regardless of the level of education under consideration."
(This certainly sounds familiar given what we're doing in IT 6750.)
Obviously, as the authors point out, this will involve "two primary areas of new knowledge where faculty members need professional development: online instruction and face to face instruction." The article "deals with . . . the need to provide faculty not only with the technological tools for enhancing instruction, but also with the knowledge of how to best use these materials to maximize the time faculty spend with students in physical college and university classrooms." It then examines how this was accomplished in the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences at Western Kentucky University.
The process included the following steps:
- Creating an atmosphere and culture for change
- Developing and communicating the vision
- Planning and providing resources
- Providing training and development
- Monitoring and checking progress
- Continuing to give assistance
More on Ning
Their first assignment was to join the site, post an introduction, and respond two at least two other people's instroductions.
In class yesterday, we talked about tools for technical writing, primarily rhetoric and technology. Here is their second assignment, to be done this week:
On the web, find a free or trial version of a software program or web-based service that may be used for creating documents, communicating, and/or collaborating (as discussed in Chapter 3 of the textbook). Test the program or service. On your "My Page" create a blog entry in which you tell where you found it (be sure to include a working link to the website), explain what it does, and discuss its strengths and weaknesses. Use the name of the program or service as the title of your blog post.
I've also joined another Ning social network. This one is called College 2.0, and it's for people in higher ed who are interested in online education and Web 2.0.
Also posted at 4R x T.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Virtual Communities
- Linking (explorers)
- Lurking (occasional participants)
- Learning (regular contributors)
- Leading (committed, consistent contributors)
Derek Wenmoth, in his blog, on November 10, 2006, posted a diagram and explanation of the phases "many participants in the online environment move through . . . as they gain understanding and confidence":
- Consumer (not-yet-visible but active participants who "read and explor the posts of others")
- Commentor (now-visible participants who post comments in response to other people's posts)
- Contributor (active participants "who have started their own blogs or . . . initiate new threads on discussion forums")
- Commentator (leader who takes a broader view)
The parallels between the two schemes are obvious.
Here are some links for further reading on the subject: "The Art of Building Virtual Communities," "Cliff Figallo and the Evolution of Virtual Community," "Building Virtual Communities."
Training in Second Life
He quotes Chuck Hamilton from IBM, who said: "One of the advantages of Second Life is that you can manipulate the sense of scale and perspective. . . . You can crawl around a big oil rig or fly around a network diagram."
Gronstedt also points out one of the problems with training in SL: "Second Life is creating more virtual classrooms. Unfortunately, most e-learning still looks like a classroom lecture. It takes time for a new medium to develop its own character and unique vernacular."
However, as he points out, there "are signs that some learning organizations are pushing the envelope. IBM has balloons flying in the air that you can enter to explore 360-degree images—a virtual reality within the virtual reality."
Some of the barriers to extensive use of SL in corporate training are
- consumer focus
- firewall and security issues
- system requirements
- people's time commitment
Gronstedt concludes, "Virtual worlds provide learning organizations with a powerful, unique ability to engage and empower employees in ways that accommodate their digital and mobile lifestyles, adapt to their individual learning needs, and encourage collaboration."
I agree.
Monday, September 3, 2007
This Is SOOOO Cool!

I read about it on TechCrunch.
Read/Write Web Poll on Top Web Technology
- Ajax / browser-based apps
- Artificial Intelligence
- Attention data
- Gaming
- Mobile
- Online Video / Internet TV
- Rich Internet Apps
- Search
- Semantic Web / structured data
- Virtual Worlds
- Web services / APIs
- Other
As I commented in response to his post: "I voted for 'Virtual Worlds,' but I think the real answer will be a 'mashup' of several of the web technologies. As an educator, I think being able to access web-based applications and search functions from within a virtual world will have a huge impact on education."
Sad but True
This is disheartening but hardly surprising considering that people are using the word google as a verb to mean "using a search engine to search the web." I cringe every time I hear someone use it that way.
As I understand it, Google ranks results based on popularity: how many people click on the link and how many other pages link to it. Popularity does not equal relevance.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Top 100 Tools for Learning?
It's hard to take the list seriously when Tool #4 with 37 mentions is Google's search engine. The next "search engine" listed is Dogpile (#98), which is a metasearch engine or metacrawler not a regular search engine, anyway. and Exalead are much better search engines than Google, but I always advise my students to use metacrawlers (like Dogpile, Kartoo, Clusty, and Ixquick) or directories instead. They get much more relevant results that way.
Article on Work-Embedded E-Learning
The article is available through EBSCO's Business Source Premier database, which can be accessed through the Auraria Library and a lot of others.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Controversy Close to Home
Andy Guess, in an article titled "In Second Life, There's No Fallout" at, describes Jeff's Island: "Science School is nestled behind a three-dimensional, real-time weather map with pixellated clouds hovering above the ground, near a telescope that can be used to view constellations during the winter, when its real-life counterpart at the University of Denver is inaccessible due to snow-covered mountain roads."
With grant money from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Robert C. Amme, a professor of physics at DU, and some colleagues are going to build a nuclear reactor in Second Life as part of a master's program "in applied science with an emphasis on environmental impact assessment that will feature classes held in Second Life."
The comments on the article indicate what we face in using this technology (Second Life and other MUVEs) for educational purposes.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Slideshow: Blogging as Professional Learning
He even referred to two edubloggers I regularly read: Will Richardson and David Warlick.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Educational Uses of Second Life
I saw this video at and thought it did a good job of presenting Second Life's educational potential. It also showed the Globe Theatre on Renaissance Island, where I live in SL.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Ning in Education
Sloan-C's Moodle-based community pages seems the obvious choice until a friend I met through Second Life suggested I look at Ning, which provide free (and premium) social-networking sites. He pointed me to the Classroom 2.0 social network, which has 2408 members right now.
This seemed ideal, so I created the Sloan-C SL-NET social network. The primary advantages over Moodle are its public visibility, the ability of members to start forums and form groups, and the accessibility of RSS feeds. I'm using a Ning site for a hybrid technical writing class I'm teaching this fall. (It's private for the obvious reasons.) I've also joined a social network for educators who are using Ning in education.
Economy of Attention
According to Richard MacManus, "The Attention Economy is a marketplace where consumers agree to receive services in exchange for their attention. Examples include personalized news, personalized search, alerts and recommendations to buy. Note that the Attention Economy is different from the tradional meaning of an economy, because it isn't about buying and selling - although ultimately those things may occur."
This certainly applies in education. Our students, particularly in higher ed, "agree to receive services [i.e., knowledge and skills] in exchange for their attention." They are paying not only in money but in time and energy. As faculty, we need to make sure they are receiving what they paid for.
At the end of his post, MacManus links to four other articles on this topic that were published by Read/Write Web.
Education and Second Life
Second Life (SL) has a lot of potential for education, as many people have recognized, and probably even more for professional development as we figure out how we can use it.
I joined SL last May just in time to attend sessions at the Second Life Best Practices in Education 2007 Conference. Videos of some of the addresses are still available in the video archive.
Last week, the New Media Consortium held a Symposium on Creativity with an education track in SL. I heard some very positive feedback from a friend who attended.
The SLED (Second Life EDucators) listserv has over 3500 subscribers. In addition, a lot of colleges and universities, libraries, and professional organizations have bought sims or created groups in SL, including ISTE, AECT, and the Sloan Consortium.
Even though K-12 teachers can't actually use SL for their classes because of the age limit (though there is a teen grid for 13 to 18 year olds), ISTE is extremely active in SL. They have an island and weekly activities.
AECT has a group in SL, but I haven't found out any more.
The last couple of months, I've been working with the Sloan Consortium to organize networking and professional development activities for college and university educators in SL.
In using SL for educational purposes, we just need to be careful not to try to do things with it that can be done better with other tools.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Blogging for IT 6750
In January I started my first blog, 4R x T, to record my experiences using technology in my classes. I have a second blog that I use for my classes at Red Rocks Community College.
This summer I've been exploring Second Life trying to figure out how it can be used for education. (I've chronicled my adventures there in my main blog.) Using Second Life and other MUVEs (multi-user virtual environments) is definitely a current issue in instructional technology. For me, the best use of Second Life is networking and professional development.
A couple of months ago, I ran into the executive director of the Sloan Consortium at their site in Second Life. I mentioned to him that it would be nice if Sloan-C had networking events for folks in higher ed the way ISTE was doing for K-12. He told me to go ahead with that idea, and I have.
First we put a questionnaire on the web to find out what people were interested in. Its presence was announced to the Sloan-C and SLED listserves. I created a listserv for the people who responded, gave the group a name (SL-NET, which stands for Second Life - Networking Education and Technology), held an organizing meeting, and set up a social network site. Last Friday night, we had our first activity: a dance. We also have plans for other activities: social, professional development, and training in SL skills. It's a lot of fun, and I've met some great people!